2011 m. rugpjūčio 1 d., pirmadienis

Jason Fladlien Review - Who Is Jason Fladlien? (Google Sniper 2.0)

Do you want to read a Jason Fladlien Review, who is a very successful internet marketer and at the moment makes six figures every month? If yes, I recommend you keep reading this article.

So the question is - who is Jason Fladien and why should you read about him? Well, he started marketing on the internet since 2005 and today he is very very successful. Google Sniper 2.0.

He discovered internet marketing, because he was a musician and he needed to sell his music somehow. He understood that the best way to sell his music is to learn how to market it and how to sell it, so that's how he discovered internet marketing.

Very soon, he dropped his career, because he was reading all those sales letters and sales pages and he thought that it is easy to make a ton of money online fast. Google Sniper 2.0. So he started to try to make money online.

But, as you can probably guess, making money online is not that easy. He was writing a ton of articles and he was submitting them to multiple article directories and the sad fact was that he was making just about $5 an hour.

Also, another fact was that at that time he also was painting houses for other people - he was making $8 an hour. So basically, he went from making $8 an hour, to making $5 an hour - this is not the best feeling in the world!

He realized that it's pointless to keep writing these articles and then submitting them to article directories. Instead, he started writing articles for other people, Google Sniper 2.0.

After just one week he was able to write an article of 400 words in just 7 minutes. He finally could support himself, because he was making $40 per hour.

But after a few months he was extremelly bored. Jason Fladlien decided to start his own online business. He was working for clients in the mornings and then after afternoon, he was building his own online business.

Very soon Jason Fladlien created his very first info product which teached people how to write a quality article in 7 minutes or even less. He made $2000 in 30 days. Google Sniper 2.0.

Then Jason started creating a product after product. He was creating a few products almost every month. So that's it for this Jason Fladlien Review.